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Creekwalker is a job you probably haven’t heard a lot about.

Basically, a creek walker counts fish, estimates of salmon populations, help the science folk manage fisheries & monitor overall health of returning fish to their natural streams.

It pays a moderate wage for a job that requires you pack a firearm to defend yourself from wildlife. No such thing as danger pay, understandably some leave early. Even if things don’t go sideways, it’s still a challenge knowing it’s 3 hours from getting help. Always but one boat problem away from spending the night on a beach or worse, one grizzly bear encounter away from the headlines & folklore of your locality.

The job entails travel by bush plane, helicopters, jet boats & rafts. Government supplies all the food you can eat. It was my experience, you’d learn to coexist with a creek walking comrade. For two months you work together, watch each others back & handle whatever comes your way.

As you walk & learn, you become as much a part of the year’s salmon run as seals, eagles or bears. A daily silent prayer for safe passage & grace …. the fun begins.

I can honestly say that with a little coaxing I might remember every stroll & every stream going back to 1982. It was then I felt at home, content & happy in my good fortune.

Walking on the darker grizzly trails or basking in the sun amongst the splashing of spawners, I had truly found a ringside seat to enjoy nature at its finest.

Always wishing I could share the experience with my friends. I thought I could write a book about these places or maybe an album.

Everyone's looking for fish

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All music copyright © 2024 Wayne Levesque