music from the central coast, bc canada
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NEW album by Wayne Levesque

“My new album ‘CREEKWALKER’ has been a hoot!

Doug Cox is an amazing producer. Together we’ve been finding the songs that fit & feel right. It’s a setting really, a picture in my mind, so easy to tell stories when people listen.

The new album Creekwalker is a journal of a fish guy, the life of a technician near nature, the science & the risk. The result is unique & wondrous. I’m somewhere I haven’t been before & feeling understood.”


Upcoming ReleaseListen to the First Single "B E F O R E"

From Wayne Levesque's upcoming album "C R E E K W A L K E R"

Wayne Levesque is an Ojibwa recording artist. A member of the Michipicoten First Nation in WaWa, Ontario. He was born and raised in British Columbia. He’s been doing the music thing for over forty years.

Singer /songwriter, guitarist & teller of stories, his performances are unique, honest and entertaining. Retired from his government job as a fisheries technician, Wayne now turns to music to show the way.

“Performing as a solo artist has taught me the importance of practicing & being in the game, mentally. I want people to feel what I do..brutal honesty.

I’ve always said I don’t write it, I allow it to be written. It surprises the hell out of me how accurate my feelings can be…it’s trippy.”

Click on the link below to watch Wayne on the AMI series ‘Awakening

Watch the AMI series "Awakenings" episode featuring Wayne Levesque

“There are no boundaries to my music..No rules”

from CBC Interview

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All music copyright © 2024 Wayne Levesque